June 10, 2014

Thyme, Blueberry, and Banana Steel Cut Oats

This morning I got up at 4:45 AM so I could make it to yoga class.

They had this membership deal where for the first twenty days, you only have to pay $20 and can come whenever you want. If I wanted to (and was crazy flexible, which I'm not), I could technically go to every single class for twenty days. That's about eighty classes. I couldn't resist the deal, particularly because some of my coworkers were going and invited me along and I love yoga. I also went yesterday morning and they did hot yoga, which oh my god. Not to be gross, but I think I produced enough sweat to water my tomato plant.


Anyways. This morning I got up and I managed to shove a Greek yogurt down my throat before I took off for the 6:15 AM class. After doing plenty of down dogs, some planks, and some Warrior positions, I was most definitely hungry again. I didn't feel like going out, so I came home and looked in my fridge and pantry (side note: that's pretty much how I do everything. Half the things I make are like that. I want quick and easy, you know?). I pretty much came up with this on the fly, and I am so happy with how it turned out.

First, you have the awesome texture of the Steel Cut Oats. If you've only ever had rolled before, Steel Cut is so different in the best way. It has more of a hearty feel to it, kind of similar to rice but with the creaminess of regular oatmeal as well. It also has this slightly nutty flavor that goes really well with fruit and herbs which, coincidentally, I added. Who can resist blueberries and bananas, right? They're a fantastic way to pack in some vitamins and nutrients, along with natural sugars, into your meals. The blueberries add nice pops of sweet flavor and the bananas help make the oats smooth and soft with each bite. I love love love it. I also added some thyme because it goes really well with the other ingredients, adding some more brightness and a slight complexity that you wouldn't have otherwise. I know that you will be tempted to leave it out, but don't. I promise that it's delicious.

Happy Tuesday morning, everyone.

Thyme, Blueberry, and Banana Steel Cut Oats
Serves 1

  • 3/4c. water
  • 1/4c. (dry) steel cut oats
  • 2 sprigs thyme (about eleven little leaves), cut roughly
  • 2tsp honey OR a packet of splenda (if vegan, feel free to use agave)
  • 1/2c. fresh blueberries
  • 1/3c. banana, sliced
  1. Bring water to a boil. Add Steel Cut Oats, and cook, covered, for ten minutes on low. Add thyme and honey (or splenda), stir, and cook for another ten minutes, uncovered. Oats should be soft and water evaporated.
  2. Ladle oats into a bowl and top with blueberries and banana. Serve hot.
Nutrition Information:
Sodium: 2mg
Total Fat: 3g
        Saturated: 1g
        Trans: 0g
Sugar: 26g
Protein: 7g
Calories: 317

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